CoreFX Power Tube
If you would like to arrange installation with your delivery, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email or phone for assistance.
- Email: mpotvin@fitnessnutrition.ca
- Phone: 450-975-8786
- Installation prices may vary by province
While we ship across Canada, our installation services are primarily available within Quebec; however, arrangements outside Quebec may be possible upon request.
The COREFX Power Tube is a resistance toner made of heavy duty, premium components.
Get effective strength training at home or anywhere with this safe, portable ultra-versatile training tool that features a very unique handle that is colour coded, pending on resistance level.
- Light/White: 10lbs
- Medium/Red: 15lbs
- Heavy/Blue: 20lbs
- Very Heavy/Grey: 30lbs
- Ultra Heavy/Black: 50lbs
- One of the best quality resistance toner tube on the market.
- Industrial strength handles.
How It Helps
THE COREFX Power Tubes encourage blood flow, which helps to increase circulation and warm up the muscles. These bands help relieve pain, speed up your recovery time, promote flexibility and increasing your range of motion.
What You Can Do With It
The Power Tubes are such a versatile tool that can be integrated seamlessly with every popular workout program, such as stretching and strength training! These bands can be used as ankle resistance bands, knees resistance bands, legs resistance bands, thighs and wrists. This band is also great for larger athletes like powerlifters and strongmen when more compression is needed!
Why You Need It
Incorporating the COREFX Power Tubes into your workout will help decrease the chances of injury, enhance your movement efficiency and increase your performance with compression tack and flossing. The Power Tubes help to improve movement range, restore joint mechanics, and release previously injured tissue while performing the actual athletic movement you are trying to improve.