Wall mounted chin up bar
If you would like to arrange installation with your delivery, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email or phone for assistance.
- Email: mpotvin@fitnessnutrition.ca
- Phone: 450-975-8786
- Installation prices may vary by province
While we ship across Canada, our installation services are primarily available within Quebec; however, arrangements outside Quebec may be possible upon request.
Chin-ups are arguably the best upper body resistance exercise around. There is no other exercise that can replace its functional value; and no, the lat pull down is a not a suitable replacement. Not only do chins build the back and biceps, the abdominals, chest and grip get a workout as well.
A chin-up bar in a gym is also a highly useful fixture, given that it can also be used as an anchor for rings, bands or a TRX.
Sadly, most chin-up bars do not answer the call. Most are bolted together from a number of pieces, which suffer after hours of swinging and kipping. Most are also chrome or gloss finished, which means they become slippery and fail to hold the chalk.
33" out from the wall to provide plenty of room for kipping for even the biggest people, and is coated in a textured matte black power coat, which looks tough, resists abuse and ensures a good grip.
- 33" from wall
- 45" wide
- 2' Verticle wall attach bracket
- Textured matte black power coat
- 7 hole bolt pattern on each support bracket to ensure fitment
- 14 bolts supplied with each cell. Installation of bolts require a masonry drill-bit and socket.
Fitness Nutrition is not responsible for the integrity of the installation. Seek advice from the appropriate professionals as to the structural strength of the wall you are assembling to. Failure to install correctly could result in serious injury!